Twitter is introducing NFT Tweet Tiles for NFT lovers – Katoch Tubes

Twitter is changing for the good of NFTs

Elon Musk Takeover

After the official takeover by Elon Musk. Twitter is opening up for change. This time for NFTs

What's the update?

In a friendly move, Twitter will let users display NFT marketplace listings with the buy/sell button on its platform.

Tweet and Share

Twitter will let users share the NFT listings directly in a tweet. But the service is limited to four marketplaces

NFT Tweet Tiles

The NFTs will be displayed in what Twitter called NFT Tweet Tiles. Users can display and make a trade using these tiles

Listed Marketplaces

It is testing the feature with Rarible, Magic Eden, DapperLabs & Jumptradenft

Blockchains Included

Blockchains comes with  the marketplaces. Ethereum, Immutable X, Flow, Polygon & Solana are part of the project

Apple Against NFT

Checkout why Apple is against NFT apps

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