Apple’s discouraging NFT app policy 😢 – Katoch Tubes

Apple vs NFT Tug of waR

Apple not much NFT friendly

Apple's back-to-back policy updates on NFT based apps  has confused the developers whether or not to list their NFTs  on Apple app store.

The 30% Cut

Apple will charge the NFT apps with flat 30% cut on every in-app NFT sale. Discouraging the listing of NFTs on its App store

Recent NFT Policy Update

Apple has also updated its policy, disallowing apps from selling NFTs that gives access to special features or content.

Policy Breakdown

Apple will allow users to purchase & own NFTs but discourages unlock features  that comes with NFT purchase

No external Links either

The App developers aren’t allowed to insert “buttons, create external links, or other calls to action within the app.

What is Apple thinking?

Apple is clearly not in the mood to accept cryptocurrency or NFT apps by putting limitations on their listing. Mostly because of strict regulations

Cricketers joining NFT

Swipe up checkout the cricketers onboarding the NFT wave.

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