Russia Legalising Crypto Payments after the ban. But Why? – Katoch Tubes

Russia & Crypto payments

Russia & Crypto

Earlier, Russian President Mr Putin has signed the law making crypto trading illegal in Russia. But reportedly  its legal with a condition

The Announcement

The Bank of Russia considering legalising  cross border settlement  in cryptocurrencies as an alternative to Ruble

Why the U-Turn?

From banning crypto trading to legalising it. The Bank of Russia cited the unfriendly geopolitical conditions that forced them to take this step

Role of US Sanction

Because of Russia-Ukraine war. US Sanction may cause long-term trouble for the nation. Crypto is the best way out for international trade settlement

Iran Joins the list

Iran, the country against crypto has released the same message of using crypto for imports. Now it issues legal mining license to the bitcoin miners.

Is Dollar in trouble?

Likely. If more nations switch to crypto settlement and remove USD from the system. Ultimately it will lose value & collapse. But its easier said than done

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