Reddit NFT Avatars are Smashing hit for investors – Katoch Tubes

All about reddit NFT Avatars

About Reddit Avatars

Reddit announced the support for NFT avatars  in July & launched them  in Aug 2022 generating tons of revenue for artists

Who created them?

Reddit Avatars are created by a number of independent artists that uses the platform.

How it started?

Reddit users are able to purchase avatars for their profiles using Vault, Reddit’s cryptocurrency wallet & later sold them on OpenSea

Now selling on OpenSea

Many Avatars are available for sale on OpenSea. It stared between $5 to $49 but the price has jumped since then.

Famous Collectibles

The Senses x Reddit Collectible Avatars and Foustlings x Reddit Collectible Avatars, are prominent Avatar  available on OpenSea

The Sale so far

1300 The Senses NFTs generated $25000 in sales while 1,800 Foustlings NFTs generated $16000. It turns out to be one of the best investment in bear market

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