Written by:Paras Katoch

Day-6 of jobless employee, Unemployed in India, Podcast series

Welcome to Day 6, episode 6 of the emotional journey of a jobless employee, unemployed in India podcast series. Day-5  episode on the power of loneliness was mind-boggling for me. The words came right from my heart and transferred it to you. That was an amazing piece, I guess I have created so far. If you haven’t yet listened to it, I strongly recommend you to check out Day-5 of the series

| Checkout Day-5

Now Let’s talk about Day-6. The theme for today is “Keeping up the positive vibes

If you believe in energy, be it positive or negative, it represents a vibe. It must have happened at some point in your life that when you go to someplace, you feel or sense, a sort of positivity or negativity around. That’s how the energy communicates with your body in the form of vibration.

I believe the same goes for us as well. The room lit up with happy people when they see their mentor or their motivational speaker in the room. It’s the speaker that carries the positive energy in him that spreads across the audience.

Now how can we at an individual level create it or maintain it? That’s what I am going to do today. I believe the positive vibes have a direct connection with us, how we feel, react, and behave impacts our internal & external system. I am going to keep my self positive today by starting the day with my planned schedule that I feel happy to follow.

Remembered my 6-10 calendar plan I shared on Day 3 of this series and sadly failed to follow it 100% because I was quite sad on my Day 4 of recording. I am going to do that today. It’s 1:00 pm at the time of recording this podcast and I have already completed half of my planned ( the stress is on my planned activity here) Not given by a boss, not enforced on me, It’s my way to keep myself disciplined and happy.

In case you’re wondering! I did go to the gym today at 6:00 am sharp, that’s first time after losing the job.

 It’s a great feeling to fill the day with the set of activites I planned for myself with zero interruption,

 So tell me, what are you doing in your life to keep yourself positive and motivated. Drop me your comment below or on my twitter ID @paraskatoch. Happy to hear it.

Today Day-6 is all about building  positive vibes amid joblessness, being unemployed in India.

Tomorrow is a special day, the day I complete 1 week of unemployment  Yipee!! No No they don’t give unemployed wages here in India. Not excited about that. Tomorrow, I will be sharing something on getting interview calls and my professional experience. How I ended up creating this podcast. It’s going to be a good one, Stay tuned, I see you tomorrow. Have a great day and thanks for listening.

Checkout Day-7

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